Term Papers: Discuss specific malware, social engineering, or any other type of attacks you would deploy to achieve your desired goals.

Term Papers: Discuss specific malware, social engineering, or any other type of attacks you would deploy to achieve your desired goals.

Write a paper in which you:

  1. Explain your method of attack and operation within reasonable parameters of the law.
  2. Discuss specific malware, social engineering, or any other type of attacks you would deploy to achieve your desired goals.
  3. Assess the hurdles you expect and how you plan to overcome them.
  4. Determine how you would remain anonymous and avoid detection.
  5. Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Imagine for a moment that you are a hacker — an ethical one. You are called upon by law enforcement to hack into a business network known to be engaged in criminal activity for financial gain as its primary activity. Assume you are not to be concerned with any politics of the job and that your actions are legal and ethically justified. This nefarious business takes its own security seriously and therefore has implemented several forms of network security. These include firewalls, Web proxies for its Web gateways, and VPNs for remote users. You also know that this business exists much like any normal corporation, renting several floors of office space to accommodate between 100-200 employees. Also imagine that the business’s entire network topology is located in that same location. Your goal is to infiltrate the security sufficiently to find evidence included in the local MSQL database. You need to remain anonymous and operate within the reasonable parameters of the law.

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