Term Papers: Determine one (1) major decision that each director you selected from Question 1 and Question 2 made which changed the course of recovery from the disaster dramatically. Next, evaluate the level and extent that this decision affected disaster recovery.

Term Papers: Determine one (1) major decision that each director you selected from Question 1 and Question 2 made which changed the course of recovery from the disaster dramatically. Next, evaluate the level and extent that this decision affected disaster recovery.

Next, analyze the role this director took during the emergency or crisis. Provide a rationale for your response.

Select one (1) FEMA director whom you believe performed below standards during a major U.S. emergency or crisis. Next, analyze the role this director took during the emergency or crisis. Provide a rationale for your response.

Determine one (1) major decision that each director you selected from Question 1 and Question 2 made which changed the course of recovery from the disaster dramatically.

Next, evaluate the level and extent that this decision affected disaster recovery.

Provide a rationale for your response.

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