Term Papers: Describe the purpose of a third party beneficiary contract and explain two common types.

Term Papers: Describe the purpose of a third party beneficiary contract and explain two common types.

1.Describe the purpose of a third party beneficiary contract and explain two common types.

2.You have just won a contract with the federal government. 4

You are the prime contractor and plan on using subcontractors. Explain the Privity of Contract Rule for this government contract.

3.What is breach of contract? Summarize the remedies available for breach of contract and damages.

4.Describe a liquidated damages clause and specify when this type of clause may be used in a business contract.

Describe the scope of coverage of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Our client, Michael Carlsen, was sued one year ago by Lindsey Young for damages

arising out of a car accident allegedly caused by Carlsen’s negligent and reckless driving. Young

has alleged that she has suffered great pain andinjury and was unable to work for nine months.

During discovery, we requested that Young produce various documents, including all

postings and photos posted by her to her Twitter and Facebook accounts relating to physical

activities engaged in by Young that would be inconsistent with her allegations concerning the

nature and extent of her injuries. Specifically, after another witness testified during a deposition

as to the existence of photos, tweets, and posts on social media showing Young after the

accident, we requested the production of any materials on Twitter or Facebook showing or

discussing Young hiking in Europe, dancing, or riding a motorcycle during the nine months after

the accident.


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