Term Papers: Creating the Website

 Term Papers: Creating the Website

Creating the Website
The website:

  • Must be named with the      following convention: your last name + PSY496 Final Project. Example:      Smith PSY496 Final Project.
  • Must include six tabs with the      following headings and information.
  1. Home Page

Briefly introduce yourself and provide information regarding your professional background. Summarize your experiences within the Psychology program at Ashford University and what you hope to do upon graduation. You may include a professional photograph as well.

  1. Literature Review
    • Create a       brief literature review that presents a fair and comprehensive analysis       of relevant literature pertaining to the topic you chose in Week One.       This page must include the following:
      • A brief        introduction of the topic and its relevance (300 to 500 words).
      • Three to        five peer-reviewed articles based on applied psychological research.        Each of the articles must directly relate to your chosen topic.
      • A one- to        two-paragraph (500 to750 words total) analysis and summary for each        article.
      • A reference        list at the bottom of the page, formatted according to APA style as        outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Expert Opinions
    • Begin with       the work you completed for the Mental Health Disciplines discussion in       Week Three. In this section, you will demonstrate your awareness of the       psychological career alternatives in a community setting and take on the       role of two experts in different fields of psychology.  You will       also evaluate contributions of psychological research in the applied       context of these experts and discuss methodological issues unique to       their areas of psychological research.
    • Take into       consideration the comments your classmates and your instructor made on       your discussion post.
    • Include       information from at least two peer-reviewed articles of your choosing       that were published within the last five years to substantiate your       experts’ claims.  The sources may not be any of those that are       listed within this course.  For information on how to generate       search terms for specific resources, visit the Ashford University Library       website.
    • Make any       necessary changes to your presentation and create a new oral video       presentation using a screencast program such as Jing and       Screencast-O-Matic. You may also use YouTube or a voiceover PowerPoint       saved as a video file with audio. Using the instructions on the Wix.com       platform, embed the video of your oral presentation (screencast or video)       in the Expert Opinions page of your website. As an alternative to       embedding your video, you may copy and paste a working URL on the Expert       Opinions page.
  3. Résumés
    • Begin with       the work you completed for the Develop Professional Résumés assignment in       Week Three. Based on the feedback from your instructor, make the       recommended changes to the résumés you created for the two experts from       the Presentation by Experts discussion in Week Three and the Expert       Opinions web page you created.
      Next, create your own professional résumé, that includes brief       descriptions of the major duties associated with any relevant work       experience you have.
      Your résumé should appear first on the page followed by the résumés you       created for the experts.
    • To begin       constructing your personal résumé, utilize the Resume Builder tool       provided by Ashford University. This will allow you to create drafts of       your résumé so that you may revise and refine your assignments before       submitting them. Because your final project will be available for public       viewing, do not include your actual personal contact information (i.e.,       address, phone number, email).

To utilize this tool:

  • Log into the       Ashford University Student Portal
  • Click on Job Search & Resume Builder       link under Career Services
  • Go to the My Documents Tab
  • Select the Resume Builder Tab
  • Create, save and edit these résumés to       meet your assignment guidelines.
  1. Case Study
    • Begin with       the work you completed for the Case Study: Evaluating Ashford University       Institutional & Program Outcomes assignment in Week One.
    • Review the       feedback you received from your instructor and then create a case study       that takes on the role you did not pursue.
    • If you used       your own story or that of a willing volunteer for the original       assignment, then you will create a case study for a fictitious character.
    • If you       created a character for the case study in the original assignment, then       you will use your own story or that of a willing adult volunteer.
    • In this       section, you will:
      • Create a        750- to 1000-word case study of a real (either yourself or a willing        adult volunteer) or fictitious person who has developed the competencies        of their academic program at Ashford University.
      • Evaluate        your real or fictitious person’s learning within the program as it        contributes to the overall attainment of the institutional outcomes.
      • Include at        least one personal life example and one career example of applying the        competencies to resolve personal challenges and an ethical dilemma        (e.g., a client or research subject reveals compromising information        about a friend or family member who also happens to be someone you know        in a personal/social context).
      • Create or        describe a scenario in which the person wrestles with an issue related        to the assigned research topic in her or his personal and/or        professional life. Be specific in your discussion of the scenario and        provide details demonstrating professional problem solving on the part        of the person in your case study.
      • Include a        section wherein your fictitious person or you articulate a personal        point of view, evaluate evidence, determine options for responding and        evaluate the pros and cons of the options prior to making a decision        about a course of action within the scenario.
      • Conclude        with how the problem was resolved and what the person learned while at        Ashford University that assisted in an effective resolution.
  2. Websites
    • Create an       annotated list of 10 to 12 reputable, professional websites (e.g.,       government agencies, professional organizations, professional       associations…) that are relevant to psychological research and practice.       Commercial or non-academic websites may not be used for this assignment.
    • Consider the       merits of each website.  Based on your knowledge of scholarly       applications of psychological research, evaluate the use of scholarly       applied psychological research and analyze the interpretations that are       presented on each site.  For information on how to evaluate web       resources, visit the Ashford University Library website.
    • The list       should be in alphabetical order with each website cited according to APA       style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
    • The       annotations should be four to five sentences long and reflect the       relevance and usefulness of each website in terms of your topics of       psychological research and your professional needs.


In addition, your website must:

  • Include a footer with the date      submitted (in Copyright section).
  • Address the topics of each page      with critical thought.
  • Use the number of peer-reviewed      sources listed with the instructions for each web page.
  • Document all sources in APA      style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Include a separate reference      section at the bottom of each web page, for the sources used on that page,      formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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