Term Papers: Course Project Task III Conducting the Interview

 Term Papers: Course Project Task III Conducting the Interview

Course Project Task IIIConducting the Interview In this module, you will conduct an informal interview with the professional chosen in Module 2, preferably at the place where clients are served. You will use the questionnaire formulated in

Module 2 for conducting the interview in person.At minimum include the following in your interview:

What is the age group of clients served?

What drew you to the field in general?

What drew you to this age group?

What do you know about this age group that you did not learn in school?

What disturbing trends do you experience with this age group?

What exciting trends do you experience with this age group?

Did your formal training help prepare you to work with this age group?

If not, what more should you have been taught?

What are the top three frustrations in working with this age group?

What are the top three rewarding aspects of working with this age group?

Respect the professional’s time, and be prepared with your questionnaire.

You should be able to conduct this interview in less than an hour.

Note: In Module 6, you will write a scholarly paper based on your interview.

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