Term Papers: Compare and contrast these models with Kotter’s 8 Steps to Change. At this point, refrain from personal opinion – focus on an objective analysis of the theories themselves.

Term Papers: Compare and contrast these models with Kotter’s 8 Steps to Change. At this point, refrain from personal opinion – focus on an objective analysis of the theories themselves.

Change is a challenge. This isn’t news. We focus on all the elements that may stand in our way such as human resistance, poor leadership, or lack of motivation. But sometimes we get so wrapped up in these soft elements of change that we overlook the nuts and bolts, the hard elements that are important to making change successful.

After reading “The Hard Side of Change Management” from HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Change Management this week, it will be fruitful to explore additional theories of change management. To prepare for the discussion forum this week, conduct some research on other theories: complexity theory; Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Analysis (Unfreeze, Change, Freezing); Morgan’s Images of Organization or related articles.

Compare and contrast these models with Kotter’s 8 Steps to Change. At this point, refrain from personal opinion – focus on an objective analysis of the theories themselves.

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