Term Papers: Compare and contrast problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping. Is one necessarily better than the other? Can you give an example where either might be useful, stating the specific way in which each coping skill might be employed?

Term Papers: Compare and contrast problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping. Is one necessarily better than the other? Can you give an example where either might be useful, stating the specific way in which each coping skill might be employed?

synthes izing and Evaluating Concepts (5 points) :

Using your knowledge from the textbook and/or lecture notes, answer each question by typing your response in the space provided below. For each question, your answer should be one or more healthy paragraphs (Your total answer should be at least 100 words or more).

1. Describe the stages of the general adaptation syndrome. What problems occur with continued exposure to stress?


2. List and explain the three qualities that make up a hardy personality.


3. Janel is stuck in a major traffic jam, and has gone nowhere in over 45 minutes. Based on what you know about the psychological factors that contribute to stress (e.g., pressure, frustration, etc.), discuss the factors that are contributing to her rising stress levels and note how she might respond to the stress if the traffic doesn’t clear up soon.


4. Compare and contrast problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping. Is one necessarily better than the other? Can you give an example where either might be useful, stating the specific way in which each coping skill might be employed?


5. Differentiate between the primary and secondary appraisals given in a stressful situation. Give an example of a stressful situation that you have encountered and describe your processes of using primary and secondary appraisals.



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