Term Papers:  can an arbitrator’s decision get overturned or modified by a Court or another government or organization? If so, on what basis?

Term Papers:  can an arbitrator’s decision get overturned or modified by a Court or another government or organization? If so, on what basis?

Is there a central organization in Saudi Arabia that controls arbitration? Does the government control arbitration? Do Saudi courts of arbitration?


what is the procedure for an arbitration hearing in Saudi Arabia? Do rules of evidence apply? Are the rules similar to those used in the United State?

Does an arbitrator need training or specialized knowledge in Saudi Arabia to be an arbitrator? Does an arbitrator need to follow specific laws or rules in order to render a decision?


can an arbitrator’s decision get overturned or modified by a Court or another government or organization? If so, on what basis?


Must use Arbitration law by Katherine V.W Stone, Richard A. Bales and Alexander J.S. Colvin as resource

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