Term Papers: Based on the budget, what types of programs do you think will be increasing? Why did you select those programs? Place your response on the discussion board established for this assignment.

Term Papers: Based on the budget, what types of programs do you think will be increasing? Why did you select those programs? Place your response on the discussion board established for this assignment.

In the private sector, money is critical for determining which programs or products will be kept and or expanded.  Many times, public and not-for-profit organizations are also driven by funding sources.  Using the Internet, investigate the current federal budget. Based on the budget, what types of programs do you think will be increasing? Why did you select those programs? Place your response on the discussion board established for this assignment. Provide the Web addresses for any sites you used for this assignment. At the conclusion of t, each student will prepare a Reflection Paper that is a summary of your experience at the field placement site. Suggested content areas are included in the Reflection Paper Rubric (located in the Course Information area), but these suggestions are not exhaustive nor is each element “required.” The summary should naturally flow from your unique and idiosyncratic experiences during your practicum. The paper should be approximately 5 to 8 pages in length, double spaced. Shorter papers will not be accepted. Students will not be penalized for longer papers, but writing should be meaningful. References are not required, but if included, they should follow APA style and are not included in the page limit.

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