Term Papers: Assignment 1: Employee and Labor Relations Briefing

Term Papers: Assignment 1: Employee and Labor Relations Briefing

Assignment 1: Employee and Labor Relations Briefing

Due Week 3 and worth 240 points

You have been tasked to prepare a future report for the management team that discusses key HR elements that help to better understand the importance of effective employee and labor relations. The elements consist of organizational climate, recruitment, selection and training, and compensation, which all happen to be topics for the remaining assignments for this course. You must meet with the management team for a 1-hour meeting to provide an overview of what the future report will contain.

Prepare a twelve to fifteen (12-15) slide presentation in which you:

  1. Include cover, agenda, conclusion, and reference list slides, all of which may count toward total slide count.
  2. Provide a short overview of the 3 basic assumptions underlying US labor relations.
  3. Provide information with a minimum of three bullet points on Walmart’s internal climate. Hint: http://panmore.com/walmart-organizational-structure-organizational-culture
  4. Provide information with a minimum of four (4) bullet points regarding the importance of recruitment, selection, and training to effective employee relations.
  5. Provide information with a minimum of three (3) bullet points on the relationship between compensation and labor relations. Hint: https://www.workerscompensation.com/news_read.php?id=11363
  6. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: You may only use the resources listed in the course syllabus and those that are specifically provided by the instructor.
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