Term Papers:  Assess these reports to determine what changes there are in the area in which your work or live.  Explain what you found, such as what changes in ages, ethnic groups, or other specific categories, as well as how you completed search?

Term Papers:  Assess these reports to determine what changes there are in the area in which your work or live.  Explain what you found, such as what changes in ages, ethnic groups, or other specific categories, as well as how you completed search?

The process we have been discussing is one that involves a broad base of individuals, both inside and outside the organization.  Why should the organization be aware of cultural differences that may exist in their organization and communities?  What would the organizational leaders need to consider when they think of cultural awareness?

Data are important for making decisions and developing your plan.  Search the Internet for last two census reports.  Assess these reports to determine what changes there are in the area in which your work or live.  Explain what you found, such as what changes in ages, ethnic groups, or other specific categories, as well as how you completed your search.  How will you use this data?

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