Term Papers: Apply and Share what You Learned from this Self-Assessment-Determine Your Preferred Normative Leadership Style

Term Papers: Apply and Share what You Learned from this Self-Assessment-Determine Your Preferred Normative Leadership Style

Unit IV Discussion Board Question

discuss the relationship between your preferred leadership style and how you adapt your leadership style, based on the situation. This unit’s discussion forum includes two parts:

Part 1: Determine Your Preferred Normative Leadership Style
Complete the self-assessment on pg. 136-139 in the textbook, circling your preferred approach (a, b, c, or d) for #1-12 of the self-assessment. To determine your preferred normative leadership style, tally your scores, following the directions on pg. 138.

Part 2: Apply and Share what You Learned from this Self-Assessment
Discuss your preferred normative leadership style and how this style contributes to your effectiveness as a leader. Secondly, give an example of a time when you adapted your leadership style—and used a style that is different than your preferred normative leadership style—in order to succeed in a particular situation or to appeal to the particular people involved. What was the outcome?

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