Term Papers: Application: Career Counseling for Clients with Addictive Behaviors

 Term Papers: Application: Career Counseling for Clients with Addictive Behaviors


Application: Career Counseling for Clients with Addictive Behaviors

Adjusting assessments and methodologies according to a client’s need is fundamental to the career counseling process. As you prepare for this assignment, consider the various scenarios—an individual’s level of career development and drug addiction stage—that can alter the counseling dynamic.

To prepare for this assignment:

· Review this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on the case example of John, on p. 525.

· Think about how this case example illustrates how an individual may simultaneously be in different stages of change with regard to 1) career development and 2) dealing with drug addiction. Consider the challenges for the counselor and client.

· Develop a case of your own to use for this assignment. Consider the client you developed for the Week 3 Application Assignment.

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