Term Papers: · How does multicultural identity and career development affect career counseling goals and objectives? 

 Term Papers: · How does multicultural identity and career development affect career counseling goals and objectives?


Application: Career Counseling with Diverse and Multicultural Clients

Culturally competent career counseling presupposes recognition and an understanding of diverse and multicultural client populations. Chapter 4 reflects the changing American workforce and the concerns of these dynamic groups all of which demand heightened sensitivity by career counseling professionals.

To prepare for this assignment:

· Review Chapter 4. Reflect on the information provided in Sidebar 4.6 and 4.7 on pp. 118-119. Compare the two as you think about the following questions:

· How does multicultural identity and career development affect career counseling goals and objectives?

· What specific factors or considerations related to racial/ethnic identity and other aspects of culture and identity seem to influence the individuals’ career development?

· What insights gained from Chapter 4 would be most critical to keep in mind when counseling clients who belong to minority groups?

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