Term Paper Writing and Annotated Bibliography Assignment-A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

Term Paper Writing and Annotated Bibliography Assignment-A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

Format/Length: Your paper should be at least 1,000 words: double-spaced, 12-pt. font,
MLA documentation. Save your file in Word (.docx or .doc) or as a .PDF file.
Sources: Use at least FOUR critical articles from the library as additional sources (the
play will be a fifth source). The articles may come from professional journals, and
they may be found at the HCCS Library Databases (ProQuest, JSTOR, Academic
Search Complete). Remember that all quotations, paraphrases, and summaries
MUST be cited in-text. The last page of your paper should be a works cited page.

Write on one of the topics below dealing with A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen:
1.Write a paper in which you analyze the character of Torvald. Does he love Nora?
Is his behavior reasonable or not? What do the critics say about him? In terms of
your thesis, can you develop three aspects of Torvald’s character? What defines
Torvald as a person?

2.Write a paper in which you analyze the character of Nora. In terms of your thesis,
can you develop three aspects of Nora’s character? Think of what defines Nora as
a person. What do the critics say about Nora?

3. Write a paper that argues that A Doll’s House is or is not still relevant today. Use
the complete PMLA essay by Joan Templeton in your essay (“The Doll House
Backlash: Criticism, Feminism, and Ibsen”), plus three other articles from
scholarly journals.

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