Term Paper-Why is an understanding of both the intersections and differences important in studying ethics?

Term Paper-Why is an understanding of both the intersections and differences important in studying ethics?

Explain both the connections and differences between religion and morality.

Where do the two intersect and how?

How can they be separate from one another?

Why is an understanding of both the intersections and differences important in studying ethics?

In the process of selling, there are several steps the salesperson must take before he or she closes. The first step, of course, is qualifying through effective communication. Rob Lindey, Sales Manager for Shield Corp., has identified new-prospect leads by mailing information to businesses in the area, with a mail-back card and an email address enclosed, for those interested in learning more about the programs Shield offers. To Rob’s surprise, 79 requests for more information were received within the ten days following the mailing.

Discuss the steps necessary for Rob to qualify the leads.

Discuss how Rob should respond to or follow-up on the leads.

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