Term Paper-The Relationship Between Patient Satisfaction and Inpatient Admissions Across Hospitals

Term Paper-The Relationship Between Patient Satisfaction and Inpatient Admissions Across Hospitals

Statistical significance of outcomes presented in Messina et al. article The Relationship Between Patient Satisfaction and Inpatient Admissions Across Teaching and Nonteaching Hospitals”-assess the appropriateness of the stats used Statistic types: man and standard deviation, frequency distribution, chi-square, correlation coefficient, t-Test, ANOVA, Regression Analysis/ Data type/ Sample Size/ What does the data set look like for mean & std deviation and the frequency distribution? Is the variance of one variable equal to or different from another variable (chi-square)? What is the relationship between the 2 variables(correlation coefficient)? Is there a significant difference between the two groups (t-Test)? May be intrinsic or may by experimental. Is there a significant difference between 2 or more groups (ANOVA)? How much of the change in the dependent variable is predicted by the independent variable or variables

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