Term Paper-Research the issue you selected from the EITF’s “Description and Status of Current Issues

Term Paper-Research the issue you selected from the EITF’s “Description and Status of Current Issues

Research the most important impact that the mission of the Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) exerts upon the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Analyze the EITF’s effectiveness with finding resolutions to emerging accounting issues, and make at least two (2) recommendations as to how they could improve their effectiveness. Justify your recommendations.

Research the issue you selected from the EITF’s “Description and Status of Current Issues” page, and analyze at least two (2) key areas being addressed by the EITF.

Analyze the primary manner in which a company’s accounting and financial reporting is likely to be impacted by the work being done by the EITF on the chosen issue, and make at least two (2) recommendations as to the manner in which the EITF could improve a company’s accounting and financial reporting.

Create an argument either in favor or against the EITF recommendation(s) on the issue that you have selected. Provide support for your argument.

Analyze the different accounting treatments between GAAP and IFRS for the issue that you have selected, and make at least two (2) recommendations that would have a positive impact on the differences between treatments.

Predict the roles that the EITF and FASB would play, should the accounting profession adopt one (1) global set of accounting standards.

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