Term Paper- List and discuss the different management ideologies that affect the development of national competitive advantage in this country.

Term Paper- List and discuss the different management ideologies that affect the development of national competitive advantage in this country.

a. List and discuss specific related or supporting industries that exist in this country. Can a spillover effect take place and contribute to other industries (i.e. technological know-how, etc.)? Are there any successful industries in this country that are grouped in clusters in this country? Please discuss in detail.

4. Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry – this is a nation’s condition that govern how companies are created, organized, and managed, and the nature of domestic rivalry.

a. List and discuss the different management ideologies that affect the development of national competitive advantage in this country. Does domestic rivalry exist in this country that creates pressures among firms to innovate, to improve quality, to reduce costs and to invest in upgrading advanced features? Please discuss in detail.

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