Term Paper- how technology has changed human art making and human art sharing. How do you, or could you, use technology in making your own art?

Term Paper- how technology has changed human art making and human art sharing. How do you, or could you, use technology in making your own art?

How has it inspired or moved you? Has this artifact helped make your life or the life of others better? How does it connect to your life or to the educational journey you are starting along with your classmates?
Many people have artifacts displayed in their home; for example, a certain painting on their wall. In a way, we’ll be creating a virtual gallery of artifacts by sharing our choices as a class in the Class DocSharing area.

How does your artifact fit into our class gallery? How do you think your artifact communicates your life perspective to the class? How do you think others will interpret your choice of artifact?

Discuss in your own words, how technology has changed human art making and human art sharing. How do you, or could you, use technology in making your own art?
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