Term Paper- How did the war change African American attitudes towards their status in American society? How did it change their aspirations?

Term Paper- How did the war change African American attitudes towards their status in American society? How did it change their aspirations?

1.) What effect did the World War II wartime experience have on African Americans? Did their experiences help or hinder the progress toward equality in America? How were they treated during World War II? Did the government take any steps to ease discrimination against African Americans in war industries?

2.) How did the war change African American attitudes towards their status in American society? How did it change their aspirations?

3.) How did the rhetoric of World War II bring the contradiction between the principle of equal freedom and the actual status of blacks to the forefront of national life? One black woman said about the war that it was Hitler that got blacks out of the white folks’ kitchen. How did they “move out of the kitchen” and what forces were behind those achievements?

4.) How did the Double V campaign spark a civil rights movement? How successful was the Double V campaign?

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