Term Paper Help-TMGT 361 Professional Assignment

Term Paper Help-TMGT 361 Professional Assignment
TMGT 361

Professional Assignment

If you are going to be any sort of a professional you need to join one or more applicable professional societies. If you join the student version of a professional society you should also participate in the sponsoring parent/senior chapter. Actively participate in local student chapter and parent chapter meetings. Mere membership is not worth much. While taking part in social activities and fund raisers might be fun and can be good networking, the real career value is in professional activities focused on the BOK. Prepare for and obtain one or more relevant certifications as soon as possible. Research and experience proves that students who have engaged in professional activities as a student receive higher starting salaries and receive quicker promotions. Likewise, active professionals are marked by active practice of their profession, applicable certification or licensure, and service to their profession, especially by activity in their professional organization and creation and dissemination of knowledge related to the profession’s BOK. The more that a professional does the proceeding, the more satisfied and productive they are (and the more they get paid). Professional activities for students include being involved with real projects for real employers. The participation may be at the employer’s site or off-site, e.g., in an ISU lab. The participation may be direct, e.g., you and the employer, as part of a team, or via working with a professor who is doing research directly or indirectly for an employer.

Do the following and post to the corresponding forum and the turnitin link.

  1. Attend an ASQ meeting (the attendance could have been in the previous 60 days before the course start date). Provide evidence of attendance, e.g., pic of the attendance card. In no more than one page, summarize the meeting, compare and contrast the meeting and the CQPA body of knowledge (BOK, unit I in the Primer), and compare and contrast the meeting and your major.


Note that you cannot double dip this with an assignment from another course. For this assignment you will have to pick an option that you did not substantively use for another course. You may though, attend an additional separate meeting for this course. You may earn a different certification than the one used for the other course. You cannot use the essay option if you did substantially did the same essay for another course.


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