Term Paper Help -a critical research paper about the impact the Charter/culture of rights has had on one of the socio-legal debates


Term Paper Help -a critical research paper about the impact the Charter/culture of rights has had on one of the socio-legal debates



Try to use Canadian sources. Since this course is looking at contemporary legal issues in Canada, your sources should speak to the Canadian situation. While it may be appropriate to use (in limited ways) international sources, you will have to make it clear how this is relevant to the Canadian context. Similarly, you want to make sure you are using relatively current sources. Avoid using sources older than the 1990s, unless the work is particularly relevant and there is no more contemporary research available. While some of the legal debates have a long history, and you may want to explore this, you want to be sure you are using the most recent research/commentary.

Referencing Style

You must use APA referencing style and be consistent throughout the paper. Be sure to reference all of your sources in the body of the paper (please do not use endnotes to reference your sources) and include a references page.


Paper Format

The term paper is to be 8-9 double-spaced pages in length (Times New Roman, 12pt font, 1’’ margins). This maximum page length does not include your title page or reference list. You must adhere to this page length; your paper will not read beyond the 9th page and writing less than 8 pages will impact your grade.

  • Number your pages (page 1 is the first page of writing, not the title page)
  • Include your name and student number
  • You do not need to have a title page


For your term paper you will write a critical research paper about the impact the Charter/culture of rights has had on one of the socio-legal debates from the course.

  • Your paper is about the impact of the Charter—how has the Charter shifted the way the issue is discussed/regulated in Canada?
  • Use the socio-legal issue of your choice as a way of discussing the shift caused (or not caused) by the Charter
  • The paper then is not so much about the socio-legal issue as it is an examination of the impact and implications of the Charter in the regulation of morality
  • Conclude with a discussion of policy implications (for example, consider questions such as—‘so what?’ ‘why is this important?’ ‘what does this mean for the future?’ ‘how should policy be changed?’).

This is not a descriptive assignment nor is this assignment to be based on your personal opinion.  Your paper is to present an argument.  You are to use evidence from scholarly sources to support your argument.


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