Term Paper-Discuss your understanding of the evolving relationship between nonprofits and local governments and how your understanding of this relationship has evolved over the span of this course.

Term Paper-Discuss your understanding of the evolving relationship between nonprofits and local governments and how your understanding of this relationship has evolved over the span of this course.

Discuss your understanding of the evolving relationship between nonprofits and local governments and how your understanding of this relationship has evolved over the span of this course.

Describe the three most important aspects (concepts, issues, factual information, etc.) of the course, justifying your choices.

 Discuss your interpretation of the evolving relationship between nonprofits and local governments.

Explain your own thinking and learning process, as well as implications for future learning.

 Provide an in-depth analysis of the learning experiences, the value of the derived learning to self or others, and the enhancement of your appreciation for the discipline.

Articulate multiple connections between this learning experience and content from other courses, past learning, life experiences, and/or future goals.

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