Term Paper-Critically evaluate the sampling issues in the above study especially with reference to the validity of the study’s claims. P

Term Paper-Critically evaluate the sampling issues in the above study especially with reference to the validity of the study’s claims. P

The survey on teenage exposure to pornography was first conducted in 2014 and again in 2016. The results from the second survey show that “compared with the first survey, there is an increase of 6 to 14 per cent of the boys and girls who have been exposed to pornography.”

a) Critically evaluate the sampling issues in the above study especially with reference to the validity of the study’s claims. Propose solutions where necessary. 

b) Apply your knowledge of longitudinal and cross-sectional research designs to identify the research design applied in this study. Furthermore, briefly discuss the appropriateness of this study’s research design in addressing its research question(s). 

c) The survey is likely to be based on a nominal scale. Briefly examine why ordinal and interval scales may be better alternatives. Additionally, construct one survey question plus response options (as based on the above survey) each to reflect the use of ordinal and interval scales.

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