Term Paper-Compare and contrast heterosexist and racist language. How are these messages disconfirming? Illustrate instances of such language use in American life.

Term Paper-Compare and contrast heterosexist and racist language. How are these messages disconfirming? Illustrate instances of such language use in American life.

Compare and contrast heterosexist and racist language. How are these messages disconfirming? Illustrate instances of such language use in American life.

Explain any two of the types of body gestures or movements, and illustrate how they operate in everyday communication behavior.

. Choose one of the quantitative research designs you learned about in Ch. 10-14, and briefly summarize its purpose/function. Describe a research problem/ question that it could be applied to

2. Outline benefits and drawbacks to using survey research.

3. Outline benefits and drawbacks to using correlational research

4. If your research proposal question(s) is/are quantitative in nature, which research design and statistical test best fits your study? If you are unsure, post your question(s) here to gain feedback from classmates

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