Term Paper-Briefly describe the TPM waterfall method.

Term Paper-Briefly describe the TPM waterfall method.

Briefly describe the TPM waterfall method.

Briefly describe one or more Agile project management approaches.

Compare and contrast TPM and Agile methods, emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Discuss what kind of projects would be more appropriate for TPM approaches and what types would be more appropriate for Agile approaches.

Discuss how a project approach is selected for different types of project. Provide an example by selecting an approach foroneof the following projects, and explaining your rationale for the selection. Remember to focus on the project approach and not get involved in the technical details of the project.

Converting a large enterprise from using IPv4 to IPv6

Managing a Business Process Reengineering (BPR) project to modernize and integrate a major company’s business systems (accounting, sales, logistics, manufacturing, etc.) into an enterprise-wide unified architecture

Building a new data center for an international business

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