Term Paper-Analyze the book Ramona (By Helen Hunt Jackson) and examine issues of ethnic conflict, gender relations, and US treatment of Californios.

Term Paper-Analyze the book Ramona (By Helen Hunt Jackson) and examine issues of ethnic conflict, gender relations, and US treatment of Californios.

Analyze the book Ramona (By Helen Hunt Jackson) and examine issues of ethnic conflict, gender relations, and US treatment of Californios.

Your essay must follow the same format as your other assignments. You also must use MLA parenthetical citations of the text your paraphrase.  Do not use quotes.  Be specific in your analysis.
Your first paragraph must contain a series of arguments that you intend to historically prove in the text of your essay.  Be sure to formally introduce the author and the book in the first couple of sentences.  Never pose rhetorical questions in your essay.  Rhetorical questions are cheap literary devices that make your writing style non-assertive and give the reader the impression that you are not in control of your essay or the material.  Immediately give the reader your overall argument, and then, in succeeding sentences of your first paragraph list supporting arguments in chronological order.

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