Technical Summary of Sources for Final Technical Report

Technical Summary of Sources for Final Technical Report

1. Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-896.

Article/Source Purpose

This first section will explain what the source is attempting to accomplish. In this section you can provide a discussion of your rhetorical assessment of the source – what is the purpose, who is the target audience, and what is the writer’s role (who is the writer and what is his/her/their relationship to the audience and to the work). In other words, what is the source attempting to do, for whom is it attempting to do it, and who is attempting to do it?

Rationale for Topic

The next section will require that you explore the following questions: what is the significance of the topic under discussion; why is it worthy of development? This is an opportunity to assert both the importance of exploring the option that you have selected and the topic specifically being discussed in the source.

Major Points Discussed

In this section, you will identify and explain the major ideas developed in the source. In this instance, this is not simply a list of the ideas. This sections requires that you not only present the significant points under discussion but that you explain those in such as way so that your reader will understand the idea and how it is being explored. You will, then, provide a summary of the discussion of that point, “hitting the highlights” to inform your readers of the contents.


In this final section, you will draw conclusions about the information that was provided in the Major Points Discussed section. You will bring everything together and explain why and how the information presented in that previous section is important. In other words, what observations can we make based on that information? What conclusions can we develop based on what the source has discussed?

2. Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today’s schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

Article/Source Purpose

This first section will explain what the source is attempting to accomplish. In this section you can provide a discussion of your rhetorical assessment of the source – what is the purpose, who is the target audience, and what is the writer’s role (who is the writer and what is his/her/their relationship to the audience and to the work). In other words, what is the source attempting to do, for whom is it attempting to do it, and who is attempting to do it?

Rationale for Topic

The next section will require that you explore the following questions: what is the significance of the topic under discussion; why is it worthy of development? This is an opportunity to assert both the importance of exploring the option that you have selected and the topic specifically being discussed in the source.

Major Points Discussed

In this section, you will identify and explain the major ideas developed in the source. In this instance, this is not simply a list of the ideas. This sections requires that you not only present the significant points under discussion but that you explain those in such as way so that your reader will understand the idea and how it is being explored. You will, then, provide a summary of the discussion of that point, “hitting the highlights” to inform your readers of the contents.


In this final section, you will draw conclusions about the information that was provided in the Major Points Discussed section. You will bring everything together and explain why and how the information presented in that previous section is important. In other words, what observations can we make based on that information? What conclusions can we develop based on what the source has discussed?



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