Term Papers: When all is done, your IMC strategy will provide an executable promotional plan that indicates the what, where, when, and how much.

Term Papers: When all is done, your IMC strategy will provide an executable promotional plan that indicates the what, where, when, and how much. Context/overview: Your marketing plan should demonstrate a promotional approach that embraces integrated marketing communications (IMC). This Read More …

Research Paper-Discuss any three theories on entrepreneurship citing who came up with each, when, its relevance, critiques and implications to the entrepreneurial development in Kenya

Research Paper-Discuss any three theories on entrepreneurship citing who came up with each, when, its relevance, critiques and implications to the entrepreneurial development in Kenya Discuss any three theories on entrepreneurship citing who came up with each, when, its relevance, Read More …

Innovation Framework-Develop a simple innovative framework for a business concept of your  choice using the five (5) key questions (what, when, where, who, how).  Next predict whether or not this strategy will require an incremental  change or radical change. Provide support for your response

“Develop an Innovation Framework” Please respond to the following: Develop a simple innovative framework for a business concept of your  choice using the five (5) key questions (what, when, where, who, how).  Next predict whether or not this strategy will require Read More …