Pursuit of Italy – The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy: Did Florence’s political and economic culture create the conditions that made it such a hotbed of brilliant art and science, or did the city’s strong humanist thinking shape its politics and economy? What made it so much more successful artistically and culturally than, say, Milan, Rome, or Naples?

ITALY DISCUSSION RESPOND Academically, scholarly and professionally, TO DISCUSSION Politics & art based on and according to text book (s) Pursuit of Italy by David Gilmore, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Jacob Burckhardt, Specifically! MUST CITE AND USE these books for references? Read More …

 It seems that Christians would not want to think that Jesus was just a great teacher or even a prophet, let alone a crazy heretic. Try to show why Christians accord a special, unique status to Jesus, using whatever historical and theological claims apply (miracles, teaching, divinity claims, savior role, etc). Does this special incarnation idea seem warranted? Is Jesus really different from, say, a prophet or a great teacher?

 It seems that Christians would not want to think that Jesus was just a great teacher or even a prophet, let alone a crazy heretic. Try to show why Christians accord a special, unique status to Jesus, using whatever historical Read More …