Racial Identity-Although Cross (1978) conceptualized the inter- nalization-commitment stage as a separate stage, he concedes that it is difficult to figure out where it fits in the general model, because ostensibly similar behavioral styles may accompany the immersion-emersion stage as well. In our own work, we have chosen not to oper- ationalize the fifth stage because it seems to confound general styles (e.g., assertiveness or gregariousness) with racial identity in a way that we have been unable to separat

Article Summary Table – Racial Identity Journal of Counseling Psychology 1985, Vol. 32, No. 3,43H40 Copyright 1985 by the American Psychological Association. Inc. 0022-0167/85/$00.75 Relation of Racial Identity Attitudes to Self-Actualization and Affective States of Black Students Thomas A. Parham Read More …