You will be given a list of suggested essay topics, but you may choose to develop and formulate your own research question for your essay inconsultation with Elise and Rosie. You may use the further reading lists in this Course Outline as a starting point, but will also be expected to carry out independent research in the library. You may not normally research the same topic that you presented for your seminar paper unlessyou have undertaken the literature review and wish to extend your theoretical understanding to a particular case or human right. Your essay should achieve an even balance between analytical and theoretical discussion on the one hand, and ‘primary material’ (by which Imean historical or empirical case study material) on the other. You will be expected to find references related to your topic in the library, read these materials, compare different perspectives, and come to your own conclusions in response to your set question. Once you have decided ona general topic, a useful starting point for initial reading is to go to the ‘further reading’ listed under each seminar topic. From there, build up a bibliography, and decide what region or country you will draw upon for your examples. You may need to do some background reading on theregion or country as well as consider relevant theoretical sources. Please start work on your essay early in semester so that you will have time toconsult with Elise and Rosie if necessary. Make sure you include a personal reflection of 300 words at the end of the essay. You will be marked on the following criteria: capacityfor engaging critically with the research question demonstrationof understanding of key themes thoroughresearch and referencing developmentof clear argument and contention Articulateexpression of i Quality of critical Read More …