The Jungle book review-select a topic related to urbanization, industrialization, immigration and Gilded Age politics that Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, illuminates and explores.

  After reading The Jungle book do the following: · Write an essay of 1200 words. · Use Chicago Style format. · Submit the citations for two scholarly articles that you are using for the papers. Also, indicate the topic of your Read More …

urbanization, industrialization, immigration and Gilded Age politics that Upton Sinclair’s text-discuss how things have changed and/or not changed in the time since Sinclair wrote The Jungle

  · The Jungle book paper assignment, select a topic related to urbanization, industrialization, immigration and Gilded Age politics that Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, illuminates and explores. There are numerous possibilities, such as workplace safety, urban politics, treatment of immigrants, child labor, Read More …