The Archaeology of Extinction- Provide Each of the Anthropology word definition of: Archaeology, Extinction, Extirpation, Material Culture, Evolution, Mass Extinction (How many?), Quaternary Period, Sunda, Sahul, Wallace Line, Weber Line, Lydekker Line, Firestick Farming, Carnassial Teeth, Beringia, Anzick, Wally’s Beach, Paisley Caves, Clovis Point, Fishtail Point, Western Stemmed Point, Pre-Clovis, Great American Interchange.

The Archaeology of Extinction Study Guide Anthropology 119, Winter 2018 The Archaeology of Extinction Midterm Review Guide The midterm examination will include information covered in the lectures and required readings through Lecture 9. 1. Provide Each of the Anthropology word definition Read More …


Search the Internet for examples where knowledge of evolution has informed modern medicine, or other fields of biology such as anatomy, embryology, or genetics. Be sure to thoroughly explain to your classmates how evolution helped to inform this particular disease/research/field. Read More …