Dissertation Writers:  Discuss the fashionable images created by and for Augustus, a  Julio-Claudian emperor of your choosing, and Vespasian.

Dissertation Writers:  Discuss the fashionable images created by and for Augustus, a  Julio-Claudian emperor of your choosing, and Vespasian. You  are Ionna Flumina, the premiere authority on Roman fashion and  celebrity in the city of Rome. You are being interviewed Read More …

Dissertation Writers: Discuss the fashionable images created by and for Augustus, a  Julio-Claudian emperor of your choosing, and Vespasian.

Dissertation Writers: Discuss the fashionable images created by and for Augustus, a  Julio-Claudian emperor of your choosing, and Vespasian. You  are Ionna Flumina, the premiere authority on Roman fashion and  celebrity in the city of Rome. You are being interviewed Read More …