Systematic Review: Health Literacy & Health outcomes in heart disease

  • Systematic Review Assignment Each student will be required to construct a five (5) page Executive Summary utilizing a systematic review of a selected health topic. Systematic reviews will be five (5) pages in length on the following listed content. • Context: Explain the importance of the review question. • Objective: State the precise primary objective of the review. • Data Source: Succinctly summarize data sources, including years searched. The search should include the most current information possible. Potential sources include computerized data bases and published indexes, registries, abstract booklets, conference proceedings, references identified from bibliographies of pertinent articles or books, experts or research institutions active in the field, and companies or manufactures of tests or agents being reviewed. If a bibliographic database is used, state the exact indexing terms used for article retrieval, including any constraints (example: English language or human study participants). If abstract space does not permit this level of detail, summarize sources in the abstract including databases and years searched. • Study Selection: Describe inclusion and exclusion criteria used to select studies for detailed review from among studies identified as relevant to the topic. Details of selection should include particular populations, outcomes, or methodological designs. State the proportion of initially identified studies that met selection criteria. • Data Extraction: Describe guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity (such as criteria for casual inference). The method by which the guidelines were applied should be stated (example: independent extraction of multiple observers). • Methods and Subjects (i.e., study design, study population, control/comparison group, etc.) • Results: State the main results of the review, whether qualitative or quantitative, and outline the methods used to obtain these results. Numerical results should be accompanied by confidence intervals, if applicable, and exact levels of statistical significance. Major identified sources of variation between studies should be stated, including: differences in protocols, confounders, outcome measures, length of follow-up, and dropout rates. • Consistency of Findings with Other Studies • Implications of the Research (including: impact, if any, on the medical/scientific, public health, legal/regulatory, and business sectors) Note: Your work must be word-processed, 12 font, Times New Roman type, double-spaced, one-sided, five (5) full pages in length (not including cover page & references), pages numbered top right. No larger than 1 inch margins on all four sides. Your paper must be written using proper sentence structure and format. All papers must be written and references utilizing APA 6th edition format. Cover page format provided and must be used, as provided. References used for the report must be formatted in APA style 6th edition and listed at the end of the report under the heading of “References”. The cover page and references will not be counted in the five (5) page limit.
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