System Design and Analysis-College Paper Writing Service

CIS212-System Design and Analysis-College Paper Writing Service

System Design and Analysis

Assignment: Case Study 6 (55 points)

Read the case study “Chapter Case: Tools 4 U” in the download for this case in Moodle

The Case Study Review should include 1 written Word page (for the summary, 3rd question and conclusion) and Visual Basic files (CIS201 is a pre-requisite for this course and so all students should know how to design the forms) for the 2 forms

  • This does not include title pages or reference pages
  • This is at least 1 written page (full page)
  • Visual Basic files with forms of the interfaces
  • Summary of the case
    • This should be thorough enough (but not plagiarized (meaning in your own words)) to give a reader who has not read the case a very good idea of what is going on
      • I know they do not give you much information for a summary but, the summary can include the tasks and what the interfaces will be used for
      • This may be a great place for an in-text citation explaining what user interface best practices include
    • Answer to the questions at the end of the case which are based on the textbook readings or outside sources (these are not your opinion but you can include comments)
      • In Direction #1 you are to create a data entry form for new members
        • You must create a form in Visual Basics (Including all necessary controls needed to enter new member information)
          • Also remember to create the form based on user use and readability (font sizes, colors etc.)
        • In direction #2 you are to create an Online Tool Rental System
          • This you must create also in Visual Basics to create the user interface
          • Again, include all necessary fields/controls needed for an online tool rental system (payment options, place to link to enter member info (this would take them to the direction #1 form (you do not actually need to link them just have it on the form)), products to rent etc.
        • In direction #3 you are to present at least 3 data validation rules that might help reduce input errors for the system
          • Great place for an in-text citation explaining error reduction in data
          • Put this in the Word document with the summary
        • Direction #4: you do not need to create this interface. It is enough work creating the other 2 interfaces.
      • Conclusion which is your thoughts on the case and its contents
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