Accounting for Sustainable Management-Sustainability Report Custom Essays help-Treasury Wine Estates (TWE)

Assignment One-Content requirements-

Accounting for Sustainable Management

  1. What is sustainability? Is the notion of sustainability relevant to business and accounting? Justify your
  2. Is the notion of sustainability relevant to the winemaking and distribution industry in which TWE operates? Justify your
  3. What are the specific sustainability issues that TWE is facing? Justify your
  4. If sustainability is relevant to TWE, how might TWE embrace sustainability in its operations? Justify your

Case-Sustainability Report Custom Essays help-Treasury Wine Estates (TWE)

The CEO has noticed an emerging and increasing trend of discussion about sustainability from businesses and some of TWE’s competitors are adopting sustainability frameworks and practices. The CEO feels that at the moment he does not know too much about sustainability and its relevance to business. He is also considering whether TWE should adopt sustainable frameworks and practices including producing sustainability reports to external stakeholders. He has asked you to conduct research and provide a formal business report to him, addressing the following questions.

Particular expectations relating to each question:

  1. What is sustainability? Is the notion of sustainability relevant to business and accounting? Justify your

When defining sustainability and arguing the relevance of sustainability to business and accounting, your answer is expected to go beyond course materials – you are expected to draw from your research, and to explicitly link the importance of sustainability in business and accounting practices. You are expected to search for discussions from different parties (e.g., business leaders, international organisations, politicians, or various interest groups) as well as academic journals. Your discussion also needs to consider the changing and heightened social expectations on business operations. In doing so, you also need to discuss the relationships between accounting, accountability and sustainability.

  1. Is the notion of sustainability relevant to wine industry in which TWE operates? Justify your

In this part, you are expected to link sustainability to the wine industry. This involves researching, identifying and analysing sustainability issues in the industry at the world level and in Australia, the expectations (in general) from the stakeholders, and the competitors of TWE. You will need to look for evidence of what other business entities are doing as they pertain to sustainability (e.g., which competitors are currently adopting a particular framework and practice or producing sustainability reports). Particular industry initiatives or frameworks need to be addressed.

  1. Is the notion of sustainability relevant to TWE? Justify your

In this part, you are expected to explicitly link sustainability to TWE. This involves researching and analysing the current market position and sustainable practices of TWE, particular issues that TWE is facing, as well as the expectations from its stakeholders. You will need to analyse the strength as well as future opportunities or improvements for your entity.

  1. If sustainability is relevant to TWE, how might TWE embrace sustainability in its operations? Justify your

Your discussion is expected to be based on your work on the previous three questions. Your recommendations should be specific. Avoid offering recommendations that are too general (e.g., ‘TWE should embrace sustainability practices’ without further detail), less relevant to TWE, or not realistic to implement.

Read carefully the marking rubric (next page), and understand how your work will be assessed.

Real Case study Scenario and Analysis


Since its inception in 2011, Treasury Wine Estates (TWE) has become one of the world’s largest wine companies. Originally the business was a division of the Foster’s Group, but was demerged from the rest of the Group in 2011. TWE operates in four global regions: Australia and New Zealand; The Americas; Asia; and Europe. TWE focuses on grape growing and sourcing; winemaking and marketing, and employs over 3,400 people. TWE is one of Australia’s largest wine companies, accessing over 13,000 hectares of vineyards.

You have been employed by the company as an accountant after graduating from RMIT University two months ago. After reviewing your CV and noticing that you have successfully completed several sustainability related courses during your study, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of TWE assigned three independent but related tasks to you. The three tasks are as follows.

Submission requirements



Word Limit:

Maximum 2,300 words (not including executive summary, table of contents, references and appendices). Word count includes every word in the body of text (from your Introduction section to the end of the Conclusion section, including figures, tables, headings, etc). Every 100 words above the word limit attracts 0.5 marks deduction of available marks. For example, if the word count is 2,301, a deduction of 0.5 marks will apply. If the word count is 2,301, a deduction of 1 mark will apply.

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