SUMMARY Summary consists of a discussion Summary consists of a discussion Summary consists of a discussion of Summary is mostly an outline of

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SUMMARY Summary consists of a discussion Summary consists of a discussion Summary consists of a discussion of Summary is mostly an outline of

of major themes, ideas, and of major themes, ideas, and major themes, ideas and stories the book and does not discuss

1-7 pts stories providing at least 3 stories, providing at least 2 providing at least 1 example from the themes or major ideas of the work.

examples from the work. It combines examples from the work. It combines work. It combines ideas from the There may be one direct quote

ideas from the book into new ideas from the book into new book into new sentences using your “thrown in” for effect.

sentences using your own words. sentences using your own words. own words.

OPINION Student provides a detailed discussion Student provides a limited discussion Student provides little discussion of The discussion of their opinion

Of their opinion of the book. Reasoning of their opinion of book. Reasoning their opinion of the book. Reasoning is vague or missing and lacks detail.

1-7 pts is examined in detail and the student is examined in a limited manner, and may or may not be briefly examined.

provides a thoughtful analysis leading the analysis may be limited.

to their conclusions.

CRITIQUE Critique consists of thoughts, Critique consists of thoughts, Critique consists of thoughts, Critique consists of a basic opinion

responses and reaction to the book. responses and reaction to the book. responses and reaction to the book. based on personal feeling of “I

The student reviewer reacts to the The student reviewer may discuss The student may discuss only liked it” or “I hated it” and is not

themes, the author’s aims or intent, only two aspects, for example, one aspect of the book, such as considered a critique because it

1-7 pts the subject of the book, how well it is themes and writer’s style. There is not themes. This review just states, ‘Well, does not focus on themes, author’s

written and overall success or failure a thorough review of various aspects. I liked it.” or ‘Well, I hated it.” It lacks a intent, or writer’s style.

of the book. critical eye.

ORGANIZATION Structure of the paper flows and is Structure of the paper flows and is Structure of the paper does NOT follow Structure of the paper does NOT

easily read because of smooth easily read, but 1 or 2 transitions may a logical order. The writing or ideas follow a logical order. There are no

transitions from paragraph to be faulty or missing. There is some may “jump” around; it is not cohesive. transitional phrases that make it

1-7 pts paragraph. The sequence of topics is illogical order in sequence of topics. there is not a clear introduction, easy to read the paper…OR…

in logical order. There is a clear cut There is a clear cut introduction, body or conclusion. review is just a copying of

introduction, body, and conclusion. and conclusion. the original book.

MECHANICS Uses complete sentences and a Uses complete sentences and a There are 1-3 incomplete sentences There are more than 3 incomplete

variety of sentence types. variety of sentence types. or fragments. There are also run-on sentences or fragments. There

1-5 pts Correct spelling and formatting. One or two spelling/formatting errors. sentences. Three to ten spelling/ are more than 2 run-ons. Many errors.

(5) (4) formatting errors. (3) (1-2)

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