submit your topic for the green and red programs on In selecting a topic, it is recommended that we select something of interest because once the topic has been approved it cannot be changed sinc

The ability to digest scholarly research is a helpful tool, especially for students interested in continuing their education beyond an undergraduate degree. In order to do so, we will review techniques that are useful in breaking down the anatomy of an article and understand the focal point of the article.

For your homework this week, you are to submit your topic for the green and red programs on In selecting a topic, it is recommended that we select something of interest because once the topic has been approved it cannot be changed since it will be used over the course to build different steps into the final project. It is highly recommended when selecting a topic that time is spent reviewing the options available in Picking a topic of interest will aid in the writing process since it is typically easier to write about something that sparks interest. The topic selection is a choice and will not be assigned. Remember the green and red programs must come from the same topic. You cannot select one from corrections and another from courts.

Please send me an email with your topic by 11:59pm on Monday Jan. 29th. Title the email – CJ 3675 Research Methods Topic. Part of your grade will be based on the ability to follow directions if your email is not titled properly it will result in a deduction of points.

Next week we will be reading an article to prepare you to read the articles linked to your green and red programs. Here is an overview of the anatomy of an article.

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