Students will form groups of four members and choose a multinational company with lecture’s approval. Upon getting the approval they will conduct research on that company, specifically on management on cultural perspective. Subsequently they will prepare a written report detailing on the cultural issues, challenges and recommendations.

Instruction for Assignment 2: Group Report

Students will form groups of four members and choose a multinational company with lecture’s approval. Upon getting the approval they will conduct research on that company, specifically on management on cultural perspective. Subsequently they will prepare a written report detailing on the cultural issues, challenges and recommendations.

The structure of the report:


  • Understand the Determinants of culture,
  • Dimensions of culture: Hofstede and GLOBE

Cultural Issues

 Cultural challenges:

(Your analysis can include the following topic)

  • Business cultures in the Western world and Asia
  • Cultural dimensions and dilemmas
  • Culture and styles of management
  • Culture and corporate structures
  • Cultural change in organisations
  • Business Communications Across Cultures
  • Culture & International Marketing Management
  • Cultural Diversity in Organisation


*Please note that this is a general structure for this report. You can follow this or you can be more creative. Just try to keep the consistency.

Use books and scholarly resources, company web page, and provide Proper referencing. About 7 to 8 referencing (minimum) including text book.

The written report is due for submission in Week 9 and is limited to 2000 words (including Executive Summary but excluding Appendices and Reference) 10% plus and minus is acceptable. Main focus is on the quality of your research and writing. Note that turnitin similarity should not exceed 15%.

Please provide a proper cover page. Write down the name and ID of all numbers in the group. All members will sign the hard copy of PPT. Provide peer report. If you have any question, feel free to ask me in the class.

Good luck



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