The School of Engineering accepts student applications from different parts of the world. Currently, there is no means for applicants to get updates on the progress of their application processing. You have been asked to design a web-based application processing tracking system which will allow applicants to be able to log into the system and see what is happening with their applications.

The designed system should allow an applicant to register, select a course, complete an application form, upload documents and submit the application. Applicants who have already submitted application forms should be able to log into the online application portal, view their complete application processing history from submission. This should include which University admissions team or individual that has taken any action or made a decision in connection with the application right up to the current status of the application. For all members of staff who process applications, the system must provide a field for authorised staff to enter status information (one which can be seen by the applicant when s/he logs in and one which can only be viewed by authorised staff). Each eligible member of staff should be able to e-mail an applicant from the designed interface without having to open a separate e-mail client. The system must be able to produce a list of applicants grouped by course, level, application status, year in which the applicant wants to start studies, etc.

In this coursework you are required to design the system, which can be implemented later on. You will assume that your role is to design the system providing all necessary specification that will guide a programmer to write the code. Additional information is provided in Section 2.3.

For all information and requirements see the attachments files

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