Strategies for Going Global BUSI 435 Discussion

Strategies for Going Global

BUSI 435

Discussion Board Instructions

MY TOPIC IS Strategies for Going Global

Please follow all instruction to the t this teacher is ver strict

Discussion criteria for this assignment are fulfilled when you have posted one minimum 500-word thread (concerning your key topic

The goal is to create meaningful discussion. To simply restate the idea already put forth or to concur with the first reply is not adding substantial discussion. That is why it is good to do additional outside research. Make sure to provide scholarly and educational material and work that is engaging and substantive. Simply meeting the minimum requirements earns one only the minimum grade.

· To begin your thread, find a topic from the week’s reading assignment that interests you.

· Conduct an internet search to find and read at least three recent articles that relate to the key topic you selected. Articles may be found on any reputable website that focuses on business, such as the Wall Street JournalFinancial Times, or The Economist. Another good source of information is EBSCOhost, accessible through Liberty University Online’s Library. Websites like,,, etc. do not constitute scholarly academic articles and references.

· Of the three articles you’ve read, select the article that you wish to discuss, and write a review of it. In addition, you must post all three (or more) recent articles to the you must add annotated bibliography —even though you review only one of them. You may provide additional references, but references do not replace the articles that relate to your key term. Actually reference the article you review within the article review. Your review must include the following sections (each section must be structured by a heading for each section):

All heading must be centered

a. A definition of the key topic. This does not count in the word minimum requirement. Use complete sentences.

b. A summary, in your own words, of the selected article.

c. A discussion, in your own words, of how the article relates to the selected chapter and key topic. Be sure to include your personal/practical application in this section.

d. A Bible verse and a statement in your own words of how you feel the passage ties in with your key topic.

e. A complete annotated bibliography, in APA format, of all three (or more) articles read and any other references used, including the text. These do not count in the 500-word requirement. All references must be annotated.

· Topics must be posted by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday and threads must be posted by 11:59 p.m. on Monday of the assigned module/week. Replies must be posted by 11:59 pm (ET) on Monday of the following module/week, except for Discussion Board Forum 4 Replies, which are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. The results of plagiarizing a paper or parts of a paper will be a zero on the paper, an F in the class, or expulsion from the school. In addition, trying to use pre-written papers (from another class, etc.) for this class’s assignments will result in a very low grade if the paper does not address the requirements as outlined in the syllabus. If you did research for another class and want to use part of that research in an assignment for this class, that’s perfectly okay. Just make sure you address all the discussion topics and requirements as specified in the syllabus. Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero (0) points for the entire assignment, plus a required 500-word written paper on the topic of plagiarism, in order to receive credit for any online activity. If you are retaking this course, papers that were submitted previously are not original to this section and are not acceptable. This is a form of plagiarism.

Late work: Postings submitted after the due date/time receive 0 credit. Again, the requirements put forth are minimums that are to be met. Just like anything, meeting bare minimums earns minimum grades. If you have any questions, please email your instructor.

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