Strategic Plan PowerPoint-(1) The student will synthesize information learned in this course regarding various aspects of educational psychology;

Strategic Powerpoint

Guidelines and Grading Rubric for Strategic Plan PowerPoint

Assignment for EP 500—Advanced Educational Psychology

Assignment Objectives:

(1) The student will synthesize information learned in this course regarding various aspects of educational psychology;

(2) The student will integrate this information as it applies to specific strategies for use in an educational setting;

(3) The student will conduct research on diverse populations to develop the most appropriate strategic plan for one of the topics listed below.


Select one of the following topics for a Strategic Plan PowerPoint. While designing your presentation, think in terms of actually presenting this plan to faculty, administrators, and other stakeholders involved with educating the targeted student population:

1. A Strategic Plan for Teaching Memory Techniques to (College level)

Points to be Addressed in the following order in presentation and suggested headings for slides:

The presentation should be at least 20 slides in length and should include notes at the bottoms of the slides that are between the introductory slide and the reference slide(s); these notes should fully explain the main points on the slides:

· Introductory Slide–An introductory slide with the topic, your name, course number, and date.

· Definition Slides–Slide(s) that give a definition of the topic and specific terms that will be used. (What is motivation or routine misbehavior, or study skills strategies or memory techniques, or physical/cognitive disabilities, or an effective learning environment?) Remember that all information from outside sources must be cited within your PowerPoint presentation per the APA guidelines.

· Importance of the Strategic Plan Slide(s)–Slide(s) that explain(s) why the strategic plan is important to education today (Hint: This is an appropriate place for research)

· Plan Implementation Slide(s)—Overview of how the plan will work and its components

· Materials/information/techniques/training needed

· Timeline for each step in implementation

· Formative evaluation methods to ensure that your plan is working and adjustments are made if it is not working as predicted

· Summative evaluation method to determine whether the plan is successful overall

· Effects of Diversity on the Plan Slide(s)—(These slides must be based on the research.) Slides that give a summary of the literature reviewed relative to the topic, as well as research relative to the five areas of diversity listed below (information must be cited APA style and source(s) must be included in reference list). Consideration must be given to the impact of the following diverse populations on your plan and how the impact would be addressed in this plan. In other words, your plan should address the school population as a whole, but you should add information on how you will address the diversity inherent in any school.

Example: Think about a strategic plan for any school population, but for this example, let us consider Study Skills Strategies.  Most study strategies will work for everyone, but some things might work better for those whose diversity is considered.  For example, note-taking practice whereby the teacher gives partially filled out notes is a good technique for improving that skill among all populations, but a child with visual or reading difficulties would fare better with the use of a tape recorder to record and/or listen to himself or the teacher could read back the completed notes.  If a peer is paired with that student to help him complete his notes or to read the notes into his tape recorder, then you might be tapping into that student’s interpersonal intelligence.

1. Gardner’s nine multiple intelligences (must use research article and cite it)

2. Gender differences (must cite research)

3. Multicultural differences (must cite research)

4. Socio-economic differences (must cite research)

5. Disabilities (physical/cognitive)

Note: Remember that you need to explain how the diversities will be addressed in the plan.

· Reference Slides–Comprehensive reference list in APA style. To re-iterate, any reference listed must have been used in the presentation and cited within the presentation. (Make sure that citations for references are included in the body of the presentation where information was used from research/literature and include the references in a list at the end of the presentation)

Note: Feel free to use the powerful tools in PowerPoint to make your presentation attractive, organized, and easy to follow. Please do not use links on your slides or in your notes.

Please note that the research component is critical and must be obvious throughout your presentation: Information from at least five research articles (from peer-reviewed journals) should be incorporated into the presentation, and they must be cited APA style (6th edition of the guidelines) within the presentation and then referenced. You may also use your text as a sixth source of information, but you may not use sources such as Wikipedia. A reference list must be provided on the final slide of the presentation. Remember: You cannot list a source as a reference unless you have used information from that source and cited it properly in the assignment, per APA guidelines. If you just have a list of references at the end of the presentation and do not cite appropriately within the assignment, then significant points will be deducted.

Grading Rubric for Strategic Plan Project

Item Points Possible Points Awarded
Introductory Slide 1 Point
Overview/Definition Slides 5 Points
Importance of Strategic Plan 4 Points
Research/Literature Summary Slides (Five Research Articles plus Slavin text) 25 Total Points
Physical/Cognitive Disabilities (5 Points)
Multiple Intelligences (5 Points)
Gender Differences (5 Points)
Multicultural Differences (5 Points)
Socio-economic Differences (5 Points)
Implementation of the Strategic Plan Slides 20 Total Points
Materials/information Needed (5 Points)
Timeline for each step in plan (5 Points)
Formative evaluation methods and revision plan, if needed (5 Points)
Summative evaluation method (5 Points)
Explanatory notes and citations on most slides 20 Points
Minimum of Five Research Articles and Reference List (APA format) 25 Points
Total 100 Points
Points Deducted
Graduate-Level Written Expression and Proper APA Formatting
Total Points
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