Mission and Vision Concept Application in Individual’s Life-Consider these six leadership styles. Which style of leadership comes most naturally to you? Which style of leadership would be most uncomfortable for you

Who Are the Leaders?

As you’ve just seen, there are lots of formal leaders and managers in an organization. There can also be lots of leaders who don’t have a clearly defined leadership role. And a business needs both. Managers and leaders are not necessarily the same people. And while leadership and management are related to each other, they have some differences.


Leaders motivate others towards key goals and desired outcomes and can be found anywhere in an organization. Everyone knows the CEO is a leader. But it’s just as likely that a leader is right there on the manufacturing line, motivating the people around him, reminding them of their greater purpose, and helping everyone work more efficiently so that the business makes strides toward its goals.

We all know a person who is an entry level employee, but who motivates others, rallies the team, steps in to help others, and leads by example—even if their job title doesn’t require it. Leaders are needed at all levels of an organization, but it is critical that true leadership is exhibited at the top.


Leadership Styles

Just as leaders can be found in many places in a business, there are many ways to be a leader— different styles and approaches. The six leadership styles discussed below are one way to look at leadership styles. Each of these styles sends a clear message to the team about how the leader and the team interact. Some leaders adopt one of these styles and use it every time they lead. But more effective leaders master most or all of these styles, evaluate the team and goals at hand, and choose the most appropriate style for the given situation


Consider these six leadership styles. Which style of leadership comes most naturally to you? Which style of leadership would be most uncomfortable for you?



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