Social Security-What specific proposals in the Social Security Game did you choose to adopt

Have you wondered if Social Security will be there when you retire?  How often have you heard that Social Security is going broke?  Unfortunately, it’s not just media hype.  According to the Social Security Trustees’ Report, trust fund reserves will be exhausted by 2037.  Without reform, Social Security’s future is inevitable.  The question isn’t, “Does it need fixing?”  Instead, the relevant question is, “Howdo we fix it?”

Based upon your research and the results of the Social Security Game, write a report that addresses how YOU solved the Social Security crisis.  Your double-spaced report should address the following:

  • What specific proposals in the Social Security Game did you choose to adopt?  Why?
  • What are the negatives of adopting each of these proposals?
  • What specific proposals in the Social Security Game did you choose to reject?  Why?
  • Are there other areas of Social Security reform that the game did not address that you would incorporate into your plan?  What are they?


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