Sociology week 6 Assignment 1

Sociology week 6 Assignment 1

Please answer the following questions:

•What impact do population growth and urbanization have on the environment?

•What is more harmful to the environment – urbanization or suburbanization? Why?

•What can we do as individuals to lesson our impact on the environment? Consider both the use of resources and pollution in your answer.

Sociology week 6 Assignment 1

Please answer the following questions:

•What impact do population growth and urbanization have on the environment?

•What is more harmful to the environment

urbanization or suburbanization? Why?

•What can we do as individuals to lesson our impact on the environment? Consider both the

use of resources and pollution in your answer.

Sociology week 6 Assignment 1

Please answer the following questions:

•What impact do population growth and urbanization have on the environment?

•What is more harmful to the environment – urbanization or suburbanization? Why?

•What can we do as individuals to lesson our impact on the environment? Consider both the

use of resources and pollution in your answer.

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