Please note: You need to post early in the week so we can enter into a discussion and debate. Make sure to respond to two other classmates. Do not respond to them by just saying “Great point” etc. Evaluate and debate their posts, try to point out to the negative and positive aspects of their posts. Do not copy-paste from the Internet. Anybody can do that. You are in an expert class on the developing world. Use the materials of the course, Webtext, lectures, etc. ————————————————- “The Other Half” Please respond to the following: •Based on the lecture and Webtext materials, address the following in at least one paragraph each. Using the Webtext (do not copy paste from the Internet) explain :
1. How do you define a developing world? Where is the geographical location of the most developing countries?
2. We read in the Webtext: While there is deprivation, there is also adaptability, innovation, and, increasingly, problem-solving. The developing world, which includes over a hundred countries scattered over multiple continents, has enormous variety—in climate, culture, and even level of development” If so, what makes a developing country labeled as such? What are some of the innovations and achievements of some countries like India?
3. The Meaning of “development” itself is highly controversial. Some even argue against anymore growth and development in the world. What is the view of Amartya Sen expressed in the first chapter of the Webtext?