View of Origin of the universe:Sikhism-Which of Sikhism’s 5 K’s intrigues  the most and why?




Discuss the following

Cosmogony – View of Origin of the universe:


View of the Nature of the Sacred (i.e., of “God,” “Ultimate Reality,” “gods,” “spirits,” “forces, … whatever term it uses):


View of Human Nature; Understanding of Humanity:


View of Good /Evil, Right/Wrong; Morality; Key Values:


View of “Salvation,” “Fulfillment,” “Attainment of Life’s Purpose”:


View of death and “afterlife” (if any):


Key Practices and Rituals:


Celebrations and Festivals:


Which of Sikhism’s 5 K’s intrigues  the most and why?

What core value of Sikhism does that “K” express? Is that value something that YOU view as important? 

Why or why not?

Is there another religion we’ve encountered this quarter that has either a similar practice to the “K” you have selected, or a similar core value which it maintains (although perhaps with a radically different symbolic representation or practice)?

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